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Good Morning TV

Good Morning TV shares new song "Insomniac", First Album is coming for early 2021 on Géographie.

The french dream pop band Good Morning TV is back with a new single and video "Insomniac" and they are announcing their first album "Small Talk" on Géographie.

After a debut EP that got noticed in France and rippled overseas in 2016, Indie Pop band Good Morning TV finally unveils a new single "Insomniac", taken from their first album "Small Talk" to be released early 2021 on Géographie (Marble Arch, Paper Tapes, Born Idiot).

If the sonic imprints seem familiar, it's with its introspective and sensible approach that the track catches us off guard. Guided by the almost lullaby-like piano ritournelle, "Insomniac" evokes those thoughts that come troubling the mind when trying to fall asleep. Delicate at first, the song pulls us crescendo towards an intense release, teasing an album of maximalist production.

Directed by Antoine Magnien and freely inspired by artist Martin Creed's "work n°2811", the video clip accurately depicts the song's duplicity.

"Insomniac" carrefully reveals more and more of its countless reflections with every listen, a gentle reminder of the beauty of losing oneself for a moment.

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